Why Does It Matter?

If they didn’t change their names, we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t look like us, we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t pretend to be us, we wouldn’t have to point them out.  

If they didn’t take credit for our accomplishments, we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t claim to be of their own when it suits their interests, we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t do evil things we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t blame us for the things they did, we wouldn’t have to point them out. 

If they didn’t have special interest groups that advocate on their behalf, it would be okay to point them out. 

If they didn’t have a monopolization on international media, it would be okay to point them out. 

If they didn’t turn the world against us, it would be okay to point them out. 

If they didn’t rewrite history, it would be okay to point them out. 

If they didn’t brainwash the world, it would be okay to point them out. 

5 Replies to “Why Does It Matter?”

  1. You said it all. They stole our Israelite identity but they are cursed forever. We just have to retour to our God and Evil won’t prevail against the European and Christian people

  2. Yep. I AM a redheaded male. I AM Hairy all over. I AM A Christian. I love My God the Father. Jesus (Messiah) Christ (Anointed), the Son of God saved me. AND I DESPISE EVIL.

    AM I Esau?

    On this Friday October 20, 2023. Happy Kick a Ginger Day. Originally promoted by the South Park writers Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

    Genesis 49
    Judah’s blessing:
    10 The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, UNTIL HE TO WHOM IT BELONGS SHALL COME and the obedience of the nations shall be his.

    Genesis 49
    Joseph’s Blessing
    22 “Joseph is a fruitful vine,
 a fruitful vine near a spring,
 whose branches climb over a wall.
    23 With bitterness archers attacked him;
 they shot at him with hostility.
    24 But his bow remained steady,
 his strong arms stayed limber,
because of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob,
 because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
    25 because of your father’s God, who helps you,
 because of the Almighty,[m] Hebrew Shaddai] who blesses you

    26 Your father’s blessings are greater
 than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
 than the bounty of the age-old hills. 
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
 on the brow of the prince among his brothers.

    In this United States. All of my business, personal, and earthly possessions have been stolen through the Satanic Legal Structure of the laws of this land. I have attempted suicide due to the Police State atrocities. I have been institutionalized and heavily medicated, not once, but twice through the Mental Health Industrial complex. But the LORD has not taken me yet.

    It’s 2000 years later. Do you know HaShem (The Name)?

    They WERE the Chosen Ones.

    Let us all get our houses in order, shall we?

    My name is Joseph Casasanta Jr. (Ben Yosef)

  3. Praise Yahweh the God of Israel ONLY . Thx for what you do, attempting to wake up the dead and brainwashed!

  4. Shouldn’t these be:

    If they didn’t have special interest groups that advocate on their behalf, we wouldn’t have to point them out.

    If they didn’t have a monopolization on international media, we wouldn’t have to point them out.

    If they didn’t turn the world against everyone, we wouldn’t have to point them out.

    If they didn’t rewrite history, we wouldn’t have to point them out.

    If they didn’t brainwash the world, we wouldn’t have to point them out.

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