The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling

Elizabeth Dilling was a widely known critic of Judaism prior World War II until her death in 1967. In writing Jewish Religion, Ms. Dilling chose her research materials with care. Her primary source, the Soncino Talmud, was produced by the finest scholars of Judaism. The Rodkinson Talmud was a monumental work endorsed by Rabbi I. M. Wise, a pioneer of Reform Judaism.

Bible scholars are aware that Jesus (Yahshua) Christ denounced the Pharisees(jews today). He said they nullified all the Commandments of God by their Tradition, “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (; , etc.). His invective, in truth, cannot be equalled. All of Matthew 23 is like a whiplash. He likened Pharisaism to a whited sepulcher, indeed beautiful outwardly, but “inside full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness.”

Christ climaxed one condemnation after another with the expletive, “Hypocrites!” He called the Pharisees children of them that killed the Prophets. He foretold they would go on killing, crucifying and persecuting until the guilt for all the righteous blood shed from Abel on down would be upon them. “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Christ asked. ‘

(from the text) Concerning the Pharisees, the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia says: With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot ). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. (See Exhibit 264 herein.)

Christ told ((them))….

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.  -John 8

Continue reading “The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling”

Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots, and Anglo-Saxons (1924)

The treasures of ancient high art lately unearthed at Luxor have excited the admiring interest of a breathless world, and have awakened more vividly than before a sense of the vast antiquity of the so-called “Modern Civilization,” as it existed over three thousand years ago in far-off Ancient Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Keener and more personal interest, therefore, should naturally be felt by us in the long-lost history and civilization of our own ancestors in Ancient Britain of about that period, as they are now disclosed to have been a branch of the same great ruling race to which belonged, as we shall see, the
Sun-worshipping Akhen-aten (the predecessor and father-in-law of Tut-ankh-amen) and the authors of the naturalistic “New” Egyptian art~the Syrio-Phoenicians.

That long-lost origin and early history of our ancestors, the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons, in the “Prehistoric” and Pre-Roman periods, back to about 3000 B.C., are now recovered to a great extent in the present work, by means of newly discovered historical evidence. And so far from those ancestral Britons having been mere “painted savages roaming wild in the woods,” as we are imaginatively told in most of the modern history books, they are now on the contrary disclosed by the newly found historical facts to have been from the very first grounding of their galley keels upon Old Albion’s shores, over a millennium and a half of years before the Christian era, a highly civilized and literate race, pioneers of Civilization, and a branch of the famous Phoenicians.

By L.A. Waddell (1924) Continue reading “Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots, and Anglo-Saxons (1924)”

Swamps Of Our Sins

People have dreamed up all manner of unlikely methods by which the white race may throw off the shackles of jewry. Some imagine a brave martial showdown between a white nationalist militia and the ZOG. Some still think we will vote our way out of their grasp. Some have more realistic expectations but none can compare to the perfect simplicity of the ultimate solution: an adherence to Christian morality and the laws of Yahweh our God. Continue reading “Swamps Of Our Sins”