Esau is Edom: Edom is Modern Jewry

Esau was Jacob’s brother.  Although he was the first born he did not inherit the birthright. Esau didn’t even care about it.  He sold it to Jacob for a mere pot of red soup.

The descendants of Jacob  -later renamed Israel- are white people as we know it today; the Anglo-Saxons, Celtic, Germanic, Slovic, you-name-it White people of today.  The descendants of Esau, whom God despised, are todays jews. ((They)) are Esau Today.

This article will break down how we can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt.  While the jews are descendants of Esau, who was born White, he violated the laws of God and took foreign wives, namely Hittite and Hivite women.  He race-mixed all Adamic blood out of his progeny.

While the jews of today are of Esau-Edom, they are descendants of many other foreign nations with mixed blood, nations that God said were cursed, all dating back to Cain, and ultimately, the adversary, That Old Dragon, Satan.

Jews of today are not a pure race, they are an amalgamation of the mixed multitude.  They claim to be descendants of Judah but are not; they merely lived in the land of Judea at that time, and because of their massive influence, have been able to convince most people that they are the people of the Old Testament. They aren’t.  Here is just some of that proof.


Jews today are of Esau/Edom, at least in part: Continue reading “Esau is Edom: Edom is Modern Jewry”

Books About Communism And Who Is Behind It

Who is behind communism? Who is responsible for Bolshevism? Who are they? Who are the Trotskyites and Leninists?  Who are the Marxists who killed 100 million in the last century? Who are these people?

Here are some books that can help you figure it out for yourself.

Continue reading “Books About Communism And Who Is Behind It”