The Babylonian Talmud is the culmination of the oral teachings of the scribes and pharisees that Christ so adamantly rebuked. It is a long collection of books that weren’t put into written form until around the 6th century A.D.
It is composed of the Mishnah and Gemara, the rambling of rabbis over the ages.
Since the time of Moses, the modern day people today know as jews, they have always attested their teachings were vocal, not written, chanted not read, and spell-ed out, or recited. It’s Hex instead of Text.
Moses’s laws to God were burned into stone, while the jews claim they heard something.
In it’s whole, the Talmud is the antithesis of Christianity; It has nothing to do with the Old Testament.
The jews pretend to be the Israelites of the Bible; they pretend to be the prophets of the Old Testament. They pretend to be the descendants of Judah and steal the namesake ‘Jew’.
They literally “jew” us out of our identity.
They are liars and deceivers, just as Christ foretold us in John 8, and Matthew 23.
To have confidence in a believed lie, many truths must be spoken to counter it. Some say a lie is not believable unless 80% of it is true.
What follows are quotes, mostly by jews. Occasionally they do admit some truths… They’ve got a lot of chutzpah.
“The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud.” -– Michael Rodkinson, in preface of Babylonian Talmud, page XI
“In many ways the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life, shaping spiritual content and serving as a guide to conduct.” -Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
“The Talmud is the lifeblood of the people. Most Judaism practiced today is not the Five Books of Moses. You would find it in the Talmud.” -Rabbi Michael Stern Continue reading “The Babylonian Talmud: The Jews Most Unholy Book”