Pre-Adamites: Humanoids Before The First White Man

A commonly held misbeLIEf held by Jewdeo-Xians is that Adam was the first man upon earth.

Adam was not the first man, but the first Adamite, the first White man.

The Pre-Adamite Earth : A contribution to theological science

by Harris, John, 1870

PRE-ADAMITE MAN; The Story of our Old Planet and its Inhabitants, told by Scripture & Science

Continue reading “Pre-Adamites: Humanoids Before The First White Man”

Merchants of Sin with Aryan Narrations

From the book ‘Merchants of Sin’ by Benjamin Garland.

Aryan narrations provided by Sven Longshanks.

Part O: Introduction

The Jews never faced much anti-Semitism in America. This is due, in large part, to the underlying ideologies it was founded on; namely, universalistic interpretations of Christianity and Enlightenment ideals of freedom, equality and opportunity for all.

These principles, which were arguably created with noble intent – and based on the values inherent in a society of European-descended peoples of high moral character – crippled the defenses of the individualistic-minded White natives and gave the Jews free reign to consolidate power at a rather alarming rate, virtually unchecked. Continue reading “Merchants of Sin with Aryan Narrations”

The Narrow Gate

Tommmo247 comments on a video by Activist-News

Christian Identity is the narrow gate, the one true Way, not the satanic anti-Christian RCC(Roman Catholic Church) whose adherents, unlike other denominations, are embraced, not rejected, by the world, many holding high offices throughout all nations and their institutions.

We, the ONLY Christian denomination that IS Christian i.e. NOT Judaeo-Christian (an oxymoron, like ‘dry water) will be increasingly persecuted. They hated our kinsman redeemer and crucified Him – a pyrrhic victory, something we can all agree on (except Roman Catholic headboy Bergoglio who cites the ”failure of the cross”), b/c His sacrifice rebuilt the bridge back to the Father, OUR Father (NOT the Jews, and their proxy Negroids, Asiatics, Mongoloids father). Continue reading “The Narrow Gate”