The Dire Consequences of Race Mixing

By Sven Longshanks

You would think that informing people about the negative consequences of race mixing would be gratefully received and seen as similar to giving warnings about the dangers of smoking or eating “fast food,” but when the subject is brought up and you try to warn people about it, they don’t appreciate it and instead accuse you of “hating” people of mixed race such as mulattoes. If common people knew the facts about the differences among the different races they would then realize that it is actually the parents of mixed race people who hate them by forcing on them their genetic status in the first place.

Herein it is hoped to give common people –in particular Whites– an understanding of real life negative consequences of race mixing resulting mainly from psychological conditioning, mostly acquired in the Jewish controlled mass media for specific purposes related to their quest for world control. There is very little or nothing around devoted to this subject and most people seem as if they have never really thought about it before while the fact is that one quick fumble in bed can have long lasting negative effects on all successive generations. Continue reading “The Dire Consequences of Race Mixing”

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Talmudic Historical Paradigms vs. Biblical and Historical Reality

Racially aware White folks need to put out of their heads a few false notions: the notions that Indo-European=Japhetic=White and that Afro-Asiatic=Shemitic or Hamitic=non-White. These are jewish concepts derived directly from the Talmudic concept of Noah having an interracial family. The Edomite-Canaanite Iews are the source of the idea that Shem, Ham and Japheth were of different races, and this Talmudic concept is the source of most modern associations of the Noahitic patriarchs with specific non-White races.

What the Scriptural record itself claims about the race of Genesis 10 is very different from ideas about it prevalent in popular culture. There are only six linguistically Indo-European speaking nations mentioned directly in the Scriptures and acknowledged by mainstream biblical scholars: the Lydians, the Persians, the Ionians, the Medes, the Philistines and the Hittites.

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